
  • B. Shagirbayeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sh. Kapantaikyzy L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • T. Turgut Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey


Turning of linguistics to the anthropogenic paradigm in recent decades has led to a spread of interdisciplinary humanitarian studies based on «Man-World-Language», «Man-language- Cognition», and «Man-Language-Culture» and «Man-Language-Value» triads. A new scientific paradigm aimed at describing the manifestation of worldview concepts in language, as the most important achievements of human civilization, has contributed to the formation of complex branches of linguistics. The anthropocentric principle of mastering national values has been widely implemented in teaching axiolinguistics to students. Considering the issues of axiolinguistics at higher education institutions is a priority in identifying and explaining the peculiarities of the linguistic image of the world and the national mentality that forms national worldview, national values of an individual, and the necessary degree of communicative activity by explaining the processes of intercultural communication and historical relationship between language and ethnos.

To introduce successfully national values into the content of the course of axiolinguistics at universities, it is necessary to consider axiological concepts as a whole semantic system and to study the complex of the entire language (words, phrases, phraseological units, proverbs, names of mythical concepts, texts). As a result, a student will develop the skills to treat national culture and language as a part of human culture, to evaluate the real life around them in terms of national values.

Ключевые слова:

axiolinguistics, national values, association questionnaire, key concepts, value perspective

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Shagirbayeva, B., Kapantaikyzy, S., & Turgut, T. (2023). FORMATION OF NATIONAL VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF STUDENTS IN THE AXIOLINGUISTIC ASPECT. Bulletin of Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Philological Series, (2), 112–124. извлечено от




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