Phraseologisms, paremias and aphorisms make our speech more expressive and, therefore, are so widely used in the national language. This research is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the gender aspect of phraseological units of three non-related languages: English, Kazakh and Russian. Here we tried to define linguocultural characteristics in the use of the most expressive and valuable linguistic expressions. They are created and offered in languages to describe the national values, traditions and individual characteristics of languages. The best way to improve understanding of world culture, people and history is to study expressive means through comparative analysis. The main purpose of this article is to provide an insight into the benefits and utterances in thematic groups of non-related languages from perspectives of gender aspect. In this article we try to define linguocultural similarities and differences through linguistic phenomena of different cultures. This article examines the intellectual image of women and men in English, Russian and Kazakh phraseological discourse. The functional-semantic analysis of the gender semantic group aspect is defined with the use of formal-structural and semantic methods. Transference of proverbs and sayings are also revealed through finding equivalents of theme in contrasted languages which helped to distinguish their gender aspect.
Ключевые слова:
phrаsеоlоgicаl units, prоvеrbs аnd sаyings, cоmpаrаtivе-cоntrаstivе аnаlysis, linguо-culturаl аspеct, non-related languages, gender aspect, semantic equivalenceБиблиографические ссылки
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