The research analyses the problem of teaching English in small rural schools. The article discusses the implementation of STEAM technology in small rural schools as an effective tool for engaging learners of different levels into a shared educational environment. The research discusses the importance of formation of new key skills in learning. The technology includes multicultural arts-based learning strategies and techniques across educational levels and disciplines. The study discusses the implementation of STEAM in teaching the English language in particular.
In this perspective, this article highlights art-based learning as an effective teaching approach in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) to achieve school students' success in STEAM-based education at the secondary education level. The article suggests analysis of literature and discusses basic provisions on small rural schools of Kazakhstan. The research gives examples of the experience of teachers working at small rural schools and suggests ways of improving the current academic performance.
Ключевые слова:
Arts-based learning, multicultural learning, education, STEAM education, small rural schoolБиблиографические ссылки
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Received: 10.11.2023
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