This research is devoted to the study of the linguistic expression of the national cultural notion in the folklore text on the example of the Kazakh and English linguistic cultures. According to the principles of modern linguistics, based on the anthropocentric paradigm, the definition of the individuality of each linguistic cultures (in this case, the Kazakh and British linguistic cultures and their languages) correspond the national and cultural values with a particularк importance.
The reserach's main aim is to describe the features of the concept "tapkyrlyk-ingenuity" in folklore texts of Kazakh and British linguistic culture. The subject of the study is two fairy tales of linguistic cultures, "Jack and Beanstalk" from British folklore and "Cunning Aldar Kose" from Kazakh folklore. This study was qualitative and used ethnographic strategies. In addition, data obtained through questionnaire and text analysis. The relevance of this work is seen in the need to preserve and develop the folklore heritage of the people, which is the cultural identity of a particular ethnic group and has accumulated centuries-old spiritual and practical experiences of linguistic cultures. The results of the analysis allow the reader to draw some particular conclusions that are of interest for research that having certain distinctions in usage of the concept “tapkyrlyk- ingenuity”.
Ключевые слова:
values, folklore, fairy tales, linguistic picture of the world, concept, culture, linguistic culture, worldviewБиблиографические ссылки
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