
  • Zh.D. Nurzhanova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • E.B. Issimova Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Atyrau, 060000, Republic of Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the problems of speaking skills in a foreign language, which cause barriers in communication with native speakers among students of language faculties. After analyzing various scientific works devoted to this problem, the authors come to the conclusion that the development of speaking skills is an important part in teaching a foreign language, since knowledge of individual words, phrases and grammatical rules of a foreign language does not guarantee successful communication. Due to the modern requirements of society, speaking skill is closely related to the concept of "intercultural communication", without highly developed speaking skills, effective intercultural communication is impossible. Nowadays, the world needs such specialists who will be able to enter into intercultural communication by understanding the culture of a foreign country. For this reason, the article discusses the problem of teaching speaking skills in the context of intercultural communication. The authors also showed a model of intercultural communicative competence. In the practical part of the study, the author demonstrated several effective tasks for the development of speaking skills among students of language faculties. In our research work, we used such methods as theoretical analysis of literature, pedagogical observation, experiment, and statistical data analysis.

Ключевые слова:

competence, brainstorming, discussion, speaking skills, intercultural communicative competence, logical support scheme

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Nurzhanova, Z., & Issimova, E. (2022). EFFECTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING SPEAKING SKILLS AS A MEANS OF SUCCESSFUL INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Bulletin of Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Philological Series, (4), 91–98. извлечено от https://vestnik.kgu.kz/index.php/kufil/article/view/323




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