The modern society needs individuals who can create something new, who can solve assigned tasks creatively. Thus, along with the acquisition of knowledge, through education students develop their creative abilities. The concept of creativity for the most part refers to the areas of psychology, pedagogics, and art. However, the concept is often found in other fields as well. The problem of creativity was considered by many foreign and domestic scientists in the field of psychology and pedagogics. In these sciences, creativity is defined as a complex, ambiguous phenomenon. Currently, there is no single generally accepted definition of creativity. There are many different views on the concept of creativity, its content and structure.
Ключевые слова:
creativity, education, creative abilities, creative competence, creative personБиблиографические ссылки
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Malakhova, I. A. (2011) Development of creativity of schoolchildren in the course of amateur artistic activity. Pedagogics Cand. Diss. Minsk: BSPU. (In Russian).
Guilford, J. P. (1967) ‘Some theoretical views on creativity’, in Helson, H. (ed.) Contemporary approaches to psychology. N. Y.: Harper and Row, pp. 421–428.
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Sternberg, R. J. and Lubart, T. I. (1995) Delving the crowd: Cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity. N. Y.: Free Press.
Yermolaeva-Tomina, L. B. (2003) Psychology of artistic creativity. Moscow: Academic Project.
Barron, F. and Harrington, D. (1981) ‘Creativity, intelligence and personality’, Annual Review of Psychology, 32, pp. 439–476.
Olah, A. (1987) ‘Creativity and personality variables’, in Studies in creativity. Budapest, pp. 87–108.
Ponomarev, Yu. A. (1999) Psychology of creation. Moscow: SAG. (In Russian).
Crutchfield, R. S. (1962) ‘Conformity and creative thinking’ in Gruber, H. E., Terrell, G. And Wertheimer, M. (eds.) Contemporary approaches to creative thinking. N. Y.: Atherton, pp. 120–140.
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