Computer technology has been used in teaching foreign languages since the 1980s, which led to the emergence of a special direction in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, which examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of these technologies in the course of teaching a foreign language. In Kazakhstan, this direction is called "computer linguodidactics", the most common term used abroad is CALL (Computer-assisted language learning). With the technological progress, more and more advanced technical devices appeared with significant linguodidactic potential. Today, in the practice of teaching foreign languages, a wide range of technical devices are used, both stationary (for example, a computer, interactive whiteboard) and mobile (tablet computers, smartphones), which are combined under the concept of "digital technology". The appearance of these technical tools also influenced the ways of presenting information, which today is most often given in a multimedia format, that is, in several forms simultaneously: text, graphic, video, audio, interactive.
Ключевые слова:
digital technologies, self-development, active learning, generations Z and α, ICTБиблиографические ссылки
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