
  • A.K. Zhukenova Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Kokshetau, 020000, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • N.A. Amiraslanova Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Kokshetau, 020000, Republic of Kazakhstan



This article raises topical issues related to teaching English. The main issue of the study is the formation of language competence among junior students who speak a foreign language at the Intermediate level. The purpose of this study is to form the language competence of students studying foreign languages in the course "Practical grammar of the English language by two modules: direct speech and the sequence of tenses".

The article presents the exact facts and provisions, which increases the value of this work. The authors rely on the Concept of foreign language education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national and foreign literature, analysis of the views of Kunanbayeva S.S., Galskova N.D., Shchukin A.N. and Safonova V.V., Larsen-Freeman D. and  Anderson M.

A distinctive feature of this article is that it offers an unconventional method of teaching English grammar: automation of grammatical knowledge, skills, and skills of students based on a competence-based approach. This article is a scientific work reflecting the results of the conducted research. The paper analyzes the experimental work, focuses on the effectiveness of the competence-based approach in teaching a foreign language, the conclusions are presented in the form of tables and diagrams, the features of the application of the competence-based approach in the process of teaching junior students are clarified. It is worth noting that the authors have proposed a model for the formation of students' language competence. The model consists of four stages: Perception of the model, Imitation of the model, Substitution and transformation, Communication

This article may be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions and students of language specialties.

Ключевые слова:

competence, language competence, foreign language education, e concept of foreign language, language specialties

Биография автора

A.K. Zhukenova, Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Kokshetau, 020000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Жукенова А.К. – к.ф.н., ассоциированный профессор, Кокшетауский университет имени Ш. Уалиханова, Кокшетау, 020000, Республика Казахстан. E-mail:,

Библиографические ссылки

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Zhukenova A., Amiraslanova, N. (2022), Formation of language competency in the course Practical English Grammar “(Modules: Direct Speech, The Sequence of tenses)“, MA Thesis, Ualikhanov University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan.

Received: 17.11.2023


Просмотров аннотации: 123 | Загрузок PDF: 18



Как цитировать

Zhukenova, A., & Amiraslanova, N. (2023). THE PROCESS OF FORMING THE LANGUAGE COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Bulletin of Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University Philological Series, (4), 156–169.




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